Instructions To Editors

Article 8. Procedures for Submission, Review and  Acceptance/Rejection of articles  submitted to the  JCAS

8.1 All submissions to the JCAS shall be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief or uploaded to JCAS when the latter is available.

8.2. The contributors and authors shall be required to follow the instructions to contributors as specified herein.

8.3. The Editor-in –Chief shall ensure that  each article is registered, given a serial number, and then assigned to  three reviewers.

8.4. Reviewers have  7 days to read the article and submit their report. This deadline may be extended to a maximum of  21  days after which the article shall be reassigned to  other reviewers and the contributors informed. At this stage the contributors may withdraw their article.

8.5. The entire peer review process shall be anonymous, and the Editor-in-chief shall ensure that the manuscripts are coded, identifiers like names, addresses, acknowledgements etc; are removed from the manuscripts before they are forwarded to reviewers. The identity of the reviewers shall not be disclosed to the authors/contributors or any other person.

8.6. A manuscript will only be accepted for publication in JCAS if  two of the three reviewers consulted recommend it for publication. Articles accepted for publication, subject to corrections, will be returned to the reviewers for final vetting after the corrections have been done. However, minor corrections can be cleared by the Editor-in-chief or the Associate Editors.

8.7. The Editor-in –Chief shall notify the contributor of the acceptance of the article in writing. In case of rejection the reasons shall be given in the letter. Coded copies of the reviewers’ comments without the reviewer’s name and/or identifiers shall be attached to the rejection letter. The Editor-in-Chief may reject on submission an article which does respect the instructions to contributors or is clearly not within the scope of the journal.

8.8. Contributors shall be required to pay page charges at rates fixed by the Executive Council of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences. Unless otherwise indicated the cost of publishing/printing one typeset page (approximately  500 words in New Romance 12) shall be 10000 (ten thousand) FCFA or 20 (twenty US dollars). The Editor-in-Chief may grant rebates and waivers to some authors from least developed countries under exceptional circumstances, provided that all authors must pay at least 100 USD or 50 000 FCFA per full length article  published. 

8.9. The Executive Secretary of CAS shall be responsible for the archiving and distribution of JCAS in collaboration with the Editor-in-Chief of JCAS.

  1. The present guidelines shall come into force on the date of the signature. It shall be distributed as necessary.

Updated on the 3rd of June,2023
