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The JCAS Open Access Journal

Giving Scientific Researchers and Policy Makers access to refined publications that gives them a full blue print of the Cameroonian society.

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The JCAS Open Access Journal

Giving Scientific Researchers and Policy Makers access to refined publications that gives them a full blue print of the Cameroonian society.

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The JCAS Open Access Journal

Giving Scientific Researchers and Policy Makers access to refined publications that gives them a full blue print of the Cameroonian society.

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Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences

Welcome to JCAS

The Journal of the Cameroon Academy Sciences (JCAS) is a multidisciplinary publication of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences (CAS) that is devoted to all aspects of fundamental and applied re-search . It also publishes topical reviews on science and technology in development, arts, humanities, and culture.


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This Journal is indexed at African Journals Online (AJOL)

Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
