
The Journal of the Cameroon Academy Sciences (JCAS) is a multidisciplinary publication of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences (CAS) that is devoted to all aspects of fundamental and applied re-search.. It also publishes topical reviews on science and technology in development, arts, humanities, and culture.


The Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences aspires to become an authoritative source of scientific and scholarly information on the African Continent and worldwide.

Strategic objectives 2023-2026.
The Academy has set the following objectives for JCAS for the years 2023 to 2026:
• To ensure that JCAS appears regularly in at least three issues per year with each issue containing at least 5 articles.

• To publish at least one special issue per year.
• To develop an interactive website for JCAS and render it operational by the year 2024
• To raise the IMPACT Factor of the journal above the median for African journals and towards a full digit.
• To raise enough funds from page charges and advertisements to enable the publication of the printed edition without subsidies.
